Why Do Some Male Trees Turn Female?

All this blossoming usually takes months to fully develop, sometimes as long as 11 months, but it's usually set in motion during the winter for their spring appearance. The male reproductive parts are the pollen-laden stamen; the female parts their egg-holding pistils. It's not often a scientist reaches into fantasy literature for the perfect analogy. "Usually trees take a long time to respond to their environment," said botanist Jennifer Blake-Mahmud. "Remember the Ents in Lord of the Rings? It takes them a long time to say anything in Entish!" Some things - or people or Ents - just don't want to rush it. Most trees don't rush anything, especially when it comes time to bloom. A lot of trees have some type of flower, which contains their sexual organs. The showier plants, like cherry, magnolia and dogwood, flaunt their sexuality. But for many trees, you can barely notice or see their blossoms. All this blossoming usually takes months to fully develop...